Which Family Lawyer is Right For You?
Going through a divorce or separation and getting child custody or settling property whilst keeping things calm can be the most stressful and emotionally charged experience for anyone. When family and children are involved you need to think clearly and make crucial big decisions about your and your children’s future.
Finding the right family lawyer Adelaide and getting the right guidance can go a long way to obtaining peace of mind and achieving a successful outcome.
At ORB Lawyers we create a process that suits our client and who includes in their repertoire alternative dispute resolution options before going to court.
ORB Lawyers will not take clients down the incorrect approach will inevitably make matters worse and result in additional costs and stresses involved in unnecessarily long-drawn-out processes.
ORB Lawyers provide the professional guidance and support required during these often difficult times and you, as a client should be confident that your family law team has the right mix professionalism and sensitivity while providing the best legal advice in family law to help you through this phase of your life.
At ORB Lawyer we know when it is in the best interests of our client to bring in an expert.
We do our best to make things simpler and less stressful for our clients and their family and they can remain reassured in our experience and legal advice.
ORB Lawyers has the expertise and the personnel to assist with a range of Family Law matters including:
- Divorce lawyer Adelaide applications and obtaining a divorce
- Pre- or postnuptial agreements
- Parenting orders and children’s requirement
- Custody lawyer Adelaide and child support concerns
- Parental relocation
- Property settlements such as asset and property distribution
- Domestic violence
- Spousal maintenance
At ORB Lawyers we take a Collaborative Approach
Since there will be many important decisions to be made ORB Lawyers takes a collaborative approach to help their clients reach an agreement with the other side. That means we conduct a series of collaborative meetings to try to reach a mutually suitable agreement and where possible keep you out of court.
ORB Lawyers is a family-owned firm in Adelaide with family-focused outcomes. We draw our expertise from a diverse range of backgrounds and have specialised experience in all of the above strategies and approaches to obtaining a favourable family law resolution.
ORB Lawyers is a well-established law practice with a friendly team of professionals and have the right resources and knowledge available to find better solutions for our clients.
Call us today on 08 8384 3430 for more information about ORB Lawyers